Collective leadership
Leadership development is for you. It is for everyone. Whether you take on leadership by virtue of a position or by building the role into your everyday life. Leadership development can help you further understanding about yourself, others and how to best maximise progression against your goals.
System Leadership - the importance of position
Talking about leadership for all does not take away from the vital role of positional leaders. There is a call for a new narrative of leadership, one that recognises positional leaders who create the conditions for collective leadership to flourish throughout their organisations and/or communities. Contact us to explore our leadership development opportunities.
Collective leadership
In order to accelerate progress in society we have to come together, maximise difference and be open to opportunities not visible from any single vantage point alone. Contact us to explore our collective leadership development opportunities.
Leadership development can look very different depending on the goal, context and the number taking part. Development can be system-wide, place-based, organisationally focused or specifically for teams or individuals. Interventions could range from 1:1 coaching, facilitating space or delivering programmes of development activity. We aim to co-create development with the target group to encourage ownership, create design that is future focussed, sustainable and built to maximise learning. Interventions are evaluated throughout to ensure agility and demonstrate a return on investment.
“Ineffective leaders try to make change happen. System leaders focus on creating the conditions that can produce change and that can eventually cause change to be self-sustaining.”